Crucible of Stars
Player Manual
Revision 1.02
Basic Gameplay
Crucible of Stars is a single-player First Person Shooter (FPS) game, and should play similarly to most common shooters. Each level will have objectives which must be met by moving through the level and shooting or otherwise destroying enemies and by utilizing psychic powers.
Control Options
All controls can be set by editing controls.cfg in the config\ directory from the Crucible of Stars installation directory. These are the defaults
Action | Key/Mouse Control |
Forward | w |
Backward | s |
Strafe Left | a |
Strafe Right | d |
Use | e |
Crouch | c |
Jump | space |
Fire | mouse1 |
Reload | r |
Cycle Weapons | mouse wheel |
Drop Weapon | b |
Use Medpack | m |
Activate Current Power | mouse2 |
Set Next Power | g |
Set Previous Power | v |
Push Power | 1 |
Pull Power | 2 |
Shield Power | 3 |
Console | ~ |
Pause | pause |
Menu | Esc |
Screenshot | p |
The following options may also be set in config.cfg:
-Invert Mouse Y
-Mouse Speed
Video Options
Video options may be set in video.cfg in the config\ directory from the Crucible of Stars installation directory.
Parameter | Description | Default | Performance Impact |
Resolution | Pixel dimensions of window | 800,600 | large |
Color Depth | Number of color bits per pixel. 16,24, or 32 are valid | 32 | moderate |
Full Screen | Self-explanatory. Specify yes or no | no | moderate |
Vsync | Sync screen refresh to monitor refresh rate. Yes or no | no | small |
Depth Bits | Determines accuracy of the depth buffer. 16,24, or 32 are valid. Leave this alone unless you know what you’re doing. |
| small |
Antialiasing | Attempt to smooth jagged lines. Larger numbers produce smoother lines at the cost of slower performance. 0, 2, 4, 8, and 16 are valid. | 2 | large |
Parameter | Description | Default | Performance Impact |
Portal Rendering | Special culling technique, usually gives higher frame rates, but worth experimenting with on a given system. Specify yes or no | yes | variable |
Hardware Occlusion Culling (hwoc) | Special culling technique, often gives lower frame rates (less must be rendered, but there is more overhead), but worth experimenting with on a given system. Specify yes or no | no | variable |
Leave these fields alone unless you know what you're doing, in which case you don't need an explanation
Parameter | Description | Default | Performance Impact |
filtering | Type of texture filtering. Bilinear is faster than trilinear, but doesn’t look as nice. Options are none, bilinear, or trilinear | trilinear | moderate |
lodBias | If using trilinear filtering, biases the determination of the mipmap (detail) level | 1.0 | small |
correctionHint | General option for texture quality. Options are nicest, fastest, and dontcare | nicest | varies |
anisotropy | Improves the look of textures which are far away and slanted by taking view angle into account. Any positive floating point value may be used, although the video drivers may impose a limit | 4.0 | moderate |
Parameter | Description | Default | Performance Impact |
maxLights | maximum lights acting on each object. This value may be hardware limited as well (usually to 8) | 8 | large |
perPixelLighting | If yes, uses expensive per-pixel lighting. If no, uses faster but less visually pleasing per-vertex lighting. Pixel shaders must be supported for this to work. | yes | Very high |
shadows are not yet supported, for the moment, these settings do nothing
Parameter | Description | Default | Performance Impact |
enabled | whether to use shadows or not. Options are yes or no | no | very high |
resolution | resolution of shadow-map textures. Both x and y dimensions must be a power of two | 512,512 | high |
SOUND Options
All sound options can be set by editing sound.cfg in the config\ directory from the Crucible of Stars installation directory
Users should ignore most options in this file, the only option of note is masterVolume, which can be set to any value between 0.0 and 1.0, with 0..0 being mute and 1.0 being max volume
PHYSICs Options
All physics options can be set by editing physics.cfg in the config\ directory from the Crucible of Stars installation directory
Parameter | Description | Default | Performance Impact |
solver | Specifies which mode to use to solve collisions. The valid modes are, in order of decreasing accuracy and increasing performance, exact, adaptive, and linear | exact | moderate |
passes | Only meaningful if solver=linear. Specifies how many linear passes to perform in collision result determination. A greater number of passes will be more accurate but slower. | N/A | small |
friction | Specifies which friction model to use. Adaptive is less accurate but about 10% faster. Options are exact and adaptive. | exact | small |
useContinuousCollision | Specifies whether to use accurate collision testing for fast objects. Incurs a slight performance penalty, but without it small, fast-moving objects may go through walls, floors, etc. Options are yes or no | yes | small |
continuousCollisionThreshold | If useContinuousCollision=yes, then it specifies the maximum radius of objects on which continuous collision will be used (it is unnecessary for large objects). | 2.0 | small |